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Smiling is one of the simplest pleasures around. But tooth pain can turn happiness into horror fast. While you can (and should) do things like brush and floss your teeth every day, a dentist is the only one who can effectively diagnose and treat tooth pain. Regular dental exams are crucial because tooth pain just might be a sign of something more serious — like a root canal infection.

Fortunately, many dentists now use advanced dental lasers like Endolase to make cleaning and disinfecting root canals faster and more effective than conventional methods. That means less time in the dental chair for you!

Standout Design

What sets the Endolase root canal laser apart is its unique design. Laser energy radiates from what’s called EndoTips™, fine tips just 2-3 times wider than human hair, which allow for pin-point precision while cleaning, shaping and disinfecting the root canals.

Here’s how Endolase works: The EndoTips emit laser energy in a radial pattern to clear away the infection-harboring smear layer, reaching deep into the root canal to eliminate bacteria. Unlike conventional methods, Endolase protects and preserves tooth structure.

And because of its remarkable laser capabilities, Endolase can flush away bacteria in just 2-3 minutes per canal (traditional methods take about 20-30 minutes). That means you can have a complete root canal treatment without totally disrupting your day. Plus, you’ll feel great again, and nothing beats that!

Long Term-Results

About 5 percent of root canals require endodontic retreatment — basically, a root canal “redo.” Retreatment is necessary when the tooth doesn’t heal after a root canal treatment. This can happen for a few reasons: a cracked dental crown can allow new infection to seep in; the roots were contaminated by saliva during the procedure; some roots were either not cleaned enough or missed altogether during the first dental treatment, which can happen because some roots are curved, making them difficult to reach or even see.

With Endolase, your risk of endodontic retreatment is greatly reduced. Here’s why: the EndoTips™ system is designed to target and destroy hidden bacteria.

One specific type of bacteria — E.faecalis — is known to make repeat appearances, but the Endolase laser has proven to be a mighty deterrent. In fact, experts who have used Endolase say that it reduces bacterial counts by 99.7 percent!

Root Canal Myths

A recent survey by the American Association of Endodontists revealed that almost 50 percent of Americans still believe in at least one of the three most common root canal myths. And that’s unfortunate because these root canal myths have prevented too many people from getting the dental care they need. Don’t be one of them!

These are the three common root canal myths — and myth busters. Once you read them, be sure to spread the word — you could help set friends and loved ones straight, maybe even help them save a tooth!

Myth #1: Root Canals Hurt. Advances in dental technology have focused specifically on making dental treatments — including root canals — more comfortable for patients and even less time-consuming. Endolase is one of those tools. With Endolase, dentists can complete minimally invasive root canal therapies faster and more comfortably.

Myth #2: Root Canals Cost More Than Other Treatments. The cost of any dental treatment will depend on whether you have dental insurance, what it covers and what your dental office charges. But on the whole, root canals can cost much less than treatments such as dental implants (which you’ll need if you avoid getting a root canal and wind up losing a tooth).

Myth #3: It’s Easier to Get the Tooth Extracted. While the physical act of a tooth extraction is less complicated than a root canal, it’s always best to try to save a tooth. A missing tooth is more harmful than you might think: It can make chewing and speaking difficult, increase your risk of gum disease and even cause your surrounding teeth to shift. And although it may seem inconsequential to have a big gap in your smile, a missing tooth can, in fact, deal a big blow to your self-esteem.

One visit to a great dentist can permanently debunk these root canal myths, and other dental myths, once and for all.